Unlike a credit card, the money spent using a debit card comes from your bank account. This means that a debit card is not preloaded with cash before you use it. One noticeable trend in debit cards is that people are currently using them to pay for various purchases. While some people may think that they are convenient to use, here are three reasons why they should never use them to pay for airfare.
1. You’ll be Missing Out on Reward Points
It is the joy of every credit card owner to earn reward points when making purchases for different items. They can also pay for airfare and earn points and miles in return. The sad thing about debit cards is that they prevent you from enjoying such opportunities. Note that credit card holders have the freedom to redeem the gathered point’s free flights. The same does not apply to debit cardholders.
2. Online Debit Purchases Expose You to Risks
The worldwide web makes it easy for people to book flights from their phones or computers. You do not have to leave the house or office to schedule for a flight these days. However, what most people do not know is that online debit purchases attract financial fraudsters. A number of debit cards do not offer any liability coverage on the transactions. This means that when someone steals the card and uses it to make a purchase; you are responsible for the fraudulent transactions.
3. You Won’t Benefit from Travel Insurance Perks
Travel credit cards come with valuable insurance products that travelers like to use. Some of them allow you to get a reimbursement for a cancelled or delayed trip. You will only get the reimbursement if the reasons behind the cancellation or delay are beyond your control. Debit cards cannot afford you such convenience. After cancelling or having a flight delayed, you will not get your airfare back if you paid using a debit card.
Let Advance Personal Finance help you find the right card for you.