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3 Easy Tricks for Using Your Credit Card to Travel for Free

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Advance Personal Finance

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3 Easy Tricks for Using Your Credit Card to Travel for Free

Credit cards can be a great way to get free travel or extra travel perks for your vacations. All you need to do is get the right credit card. Special travel credit cards are the best and then use them wisely. Here are the 3 best tricks for using your credit cards to travel for free.

Wait for Special Bonus Mile Events

Having a credit card that offers you free bonus miles for using it is an obvious way to rack up those great free miles. However, many people are unaware that most travel credit cards will have regular special bonus mile events that will get you up to 5 times the normal amount of bonus miles for each dollar that you spend. Save up any big expenditures for these special events, and make sure that you spend as much as you can while they are going on.

Maximize Your Credit Card Use

The more that you use your travel credit card, the more bonus miles and extra free travel perks you get. There are all kinds of different ways to rack up credit card spending without wasting money or taking on unnecessary debt. For example, try paying your taxes or utility bills using your credit card. There are also a lot of purchases that you can make using your credit card that can be refunded right after, but you end up keeping the points for what you spent. Get creative and do not waste a single opportunity to rack up those free miles.

Find Sign-Up Bonuses

One of the best sources for a ton of easy bonus miles is new credit card sign-up offers and special promotional bonus periods. This is usually for the first year of the card. If you remain flexible and do not get attached to your credit cards, then you can get a few new cards each year. You will be earning way more bonus miles for every dollar that you spend than if you had just stuck with one old card through the years.

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