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9 Ways to Earn Travel Rewards You’ll Actually Use

9 Ways to Earn Travel Rewards You'll Actually Use

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Advance Personal Finance

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Easy Ways to Earn Travel Rewards You’ll Actually Use

With travel points, you can easily reserve a flight seat during your upcoming vacation. First, you need to rake in as many travel rewards as you can to enjoy this opportunity. You may find this difficult or tedious but the truth is that the activity is actually exciting. It is possible for you to rake in the travel points without having to pile up gift cards or catch unnecessary flights. Here’s what you should do.

Register with Your Preferred Travel Provider and Earn a Travel Credit Card

The first step entails visiting the website of your favorite travel provider and opening an account. The account will enable you to earn a membership ID, which you can use for earning the travel rewards. Proceed with looking for a new travel credit card. Choose travel credit cards once you are familiar with the credit card basics. Aim at earning a credit card sign-up bonus during this procedure.

Add an Authorized User and Pay for Business Travel Expenses

You need to add a family member or a trusted partner as the authorized user after getting the new credit card. This strategy will enable you to score quick points. You will still be the primary cardholder. Paying for business travel expenses can also earn you more points on your card. Make an effort of traveling frequently on the business-class flights.

Use Your Card to Foot Dinner Bills

You can use your card to pay for the bills whenever you take your family or friends out for dinner and earn points. You get a chance to earn more points if the card allows for bonus dining rewards. Dining programs also present an opportunity for you to earn bonus rewards once you sign up for them and use your card to foot bills accrued in local eateries. When making any purchases, always use the credit card to make the payments. Visit malls that offer bonus points to cardholders too.

Be on the Look Out for Limited-time Offers

Limited-time offers that your favorite shopping malls give can enable you to accrue points. Most of these offers are usually available during holidays. They may include back-to-school, Black Friday or Christmas holiday sales.

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