The Most Diabolical Credit Card Scams of the Past Decade

The Most Diabolical Credit Card Scams of the Past Decade

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Advance Personal Finance

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While credit cards are considered safe for payments, every time you swipe for payment, you put your card and finances at great risk. As most card users are always looking for ways to get rewards as they use their credit cards hackers around the world are looking for ways to steal your financial details. They use the financial details to pay for hefty bills under your name. Some studies have shown that 16.7 millions of cardholders in America were victims of credit card scams.

Even as the credit card industry implements new efforts to boost security for the users the fraudsters are coming up with more smarter and complex moves in response. Below are some of The Most Diabolical Credit Card Scams of the Past Decade.

Secret Service’s Payroll Credit Card Hack

Albert Gonzalez is one of the names that will remain in American history after stealing over 40 million credit card numbers. Gonzalez did these scams between the years 2007 to 2008, and now he is serving 20 years in prison. He led to credit card scams among the top retailers such as TJ Maxx, Noble and Boston Market.

160 Million credit cards that were stolen

In 2013, a group of five hackers was involved in the biggest data breach scam in history. The hackers stole from Dow Jones, JetBlue, and 7-Eleven among other companies. They stole over 160 million credit cards.

$200 Million Identity Theft Ring

The theft was one of the most The Most Diabolical Credit Card Scams of the Past Decade. It comprised of 19 people who fabricated over 7,000 identities to open credit cards. They used these credit cards to steal over $200 million in four years.

Though anyone can be a victim of credit card scams, it is important to protect yourself. Ensure that you keep your cards in a safe place and be careful when giving your statements and numbers when shopping online.

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