Are you using credit card alerts? If not, then you just might be missing out on some really helpful tools. Today, we are going to learn about several different alerts that can help you manage your credit cards and to get the most out of them. These credit card tips will help improve your security and they are also very easy to use.
A Spending Alert
A great way to protect your credit cards and help you remember what you purchased is by using spending alert. While you can see your spending on your monthly credit card statement, it may be too late to know if someone has been using your card. A spending alert will improve your personal credit security and safety. This alert can be sent to your smartphone via text message and even your email inbox. But keep in mind that some credit card companies will only send you alerts if the purchase is more than $20.
A Bill Due Alert
If you have a habit of forgetting to pay your credit card bill, a bill due alert is the perfect tool for you. A few days before your bill is due, you will get an alert in your inbox or a text on your phone. This will remind you to pay your bill before its due saving you from having to pay that expensive late fee. This will also protect your credit from being damaged.
A Balance Alert
As you probably already know, having a credit card balance of 30% or less is important. Most times it can be hard to remember how much you have already spent when you’re out shopping. But some credit cards will alert you when you have reached that 30% threshold. This is a very important tool that can help keep your spending under control.
These alerts are a great way to improve your credit score and manage your spending. So make sure that you sign up for a few of them today. You just might be surprised at how helpful they can be!