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The Best Credit Cards To Use When Gas Prices Peak This Summer

The Best Credit Cards To Use When Gas Prices Peak This Summer

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Advance Personal Finance

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One of the things you need to plan for this summer is the amount of cash you will be spending at the pump. As the gas prices go up this summer, you may find it expensive to purchase the gas if you don’t have a clear plan. The good news is that there are credit cards that you can use when paying for fuel when the gas prices peak. Explained below are some of the credit cards you can use.

1. Amex EveryDay Preferred

This credit card allows you to earn two points on every dollar you spend when filing up the gas tank of your car. When using it, you will find out that the Amex Membership Reward points have a value of 1.9 cents for every point earned. Furthermore, when you purchase fuel more than 30 times at your favorite pump using the Amex EveryDay Preferred card, you will enjoy a 50 percent bonus for the points.

2. Citi ThankYou Premier Card

This card is the most ideal for use when purchasing fuel since you get to earn 3x points on every gas and travel purchases. You also get the convenience of earning 2x Citi ThankYou reward points on entertainment and dining. One exciting thing about the credit card is that once you spend $4,000 within the first 3 months of use, you get 50,000 points as a sign-up bonus.

3. Other Cost-effective Credit Card Options

Other credit cards that can guarantee you of good returns on fuel expenditures include the Chase Sapphire Preferred, the Chase Freedom Unlimited and Chase Freedom Card. To be precise, the Chase Freedom Unlimited guarantees you 1.5 percent cash back every time you use it at your favorite pump. The Starwood Preferred Guest Credit Card by American Express also proves to be cost-effective when gas prices go up. This card enables you to garner Starpoints that have a value of 2.7 cents per point according to the most recent valuations of

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